is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Single user instance for Nora Reed.

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Hey everyone! I recently posted about my latest project, a universal fediverse sharing button:

Is this something that you'd find useful for your website or blog?

#WebDevelopment #WebDesign #UXUI #fediverse #SocialMedia

EDIT: Thanks everyone for sharing and trying this out! I fixed an issue on iOS some of you might have run into, just FYI.

stefanbohacek.comFediverse sharing button | Stefan BohacekShare with the fediverse!
Nora Reed

@stefan i answered "something else" because i am considering figuring out how to use it on my shop but won't probably do it for several months

@nora Cool, definitely let me know later, happy to help set this up!

@stefan I might ping you about it when I'm able to go on my computer again!